About Us

Staxa Timber Solutions

Staxa is the exclusive distributor of Wespine products along with a range of imported sawn and engineered timber products from sustainable supply chains. 

Staxa represents the former sales and marketing operations of Wespine and brings with it technical knowledge from 30 years of operation as the largest softwood processor in Western Australia. 

Staxa has been formed to offer the market a complete solution that includes both locally manufactured and imported product. 

The Staxa Product Range

Construction Timber

Staxa specialises in premium quality stress graded structural timber.

Landscaping and Decking

Merbau and treated pine products for decking and landscaping applications.

Engineered Wood Products

Staxa has a growing range of engineered wood products including oriented strand board (OSB).

Packaging Materials

Staxa can supply a range of  green or dry rough sawn product suitable for the manufacture of pallets and packaging.